Category: Lightning Protection

Lightning Protection for Petrol Stations

The Need of Lightning Protection for Petrol Stations

Petrol stations are high-risk locations considering the huge explosion that can happen due to any small ignition from lightning strikes or other sources. There are special building regulations in the case of petrol stations considering these risk factors. The lightning protection for petrol stations must be designed based on the …

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What are surges

What Are Surges? Types & Reasons of Occurrence Explained

What are Surges? Surges, or transients, are brief overvoltage spikes or disturbances in a power waveform that can damage, degrade, or destroy electronic or electrical equipment. This sudden high voltage is beyond the voltage limit that the circuit is designed to handle. Surges are very short and last only for …

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How to test Lightning Protection

How To Test A Lightning Protection System?

A lightning protection system is an essential element of any building or facility to protect it from the damaging effects of lightning events. Testing the efficiency and the continuity of the Lighting Protection system is crucial for attaining the required lightning protection. The lightning protection system must be tested periodically …

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What are surge arresters

Surge Arrester – How does it protect from Voltage Surge?

Surge arresters are protective devices for safeguarding a piece of equipment from over-voltage transients by discharging or bypassing the surge current. It provides a low resistance path to the surge current protecting the system. The surge current can occur usually due to various reasons, like lightning or internal switching events. In …

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Installation of Lightning Conductor – Step by Step Guide

A lightning conductor is a thick copper wire or rod fixed onto the tallest point of a building and connected to the ground using a long metallic rod. It protects the building from lightning strikes by providing a low resistance path for the current to flow to the earth rather …

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Down Conductor

Role of Down Conductors in Lightning Protection

The electrically conductive connection between the air-termination system and the earth-termination system is the down conductor system. The purpose of down-conductor systems is to safely transport intercepted lightning current to the earth-termination system without causing excessive temperature spikes that could harm the structure. It must be mounted to ensure that …

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ESE Lightning Arrester

Installation Of An ESE lightning Arrester

A lightning arrester protects the electrical network and the structures from lightning. When lightning strikes, it creates massive destruction and damages the equipment. A lightning arrester or a surge diverter protects the equipment at the substation. The lightning arrester bifurcates the abnormal high voltage to the ground without affecting the …

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Lightning Conductors

What are lightning conductors & how do they work?

Lightning – a natural phenomenon as breathtaking as it is deadly. It’s a spark that bridges the gap between negatively and positively charged sections of a cloud, and its power can cause significant damage, especially to tall buildings. However, thanks to modern engineering, we have a defence mechanism against this …

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How to install lightning arrester on building?

Lightning arrester rods, surge arresters, or lightning conductors are metal rods installed on a building for lightning protection. They protect structures or substations from the travelling waves of lightning and divert the abnormally high voltage to the ground. They are made from copper and brass alloy which are good conductors …

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What is a Surge Protection Device?

What is a Surge Protection Device?

Surge protection devices play a vital role in voltage fluctuations or variations. These fluctuations are the most common behaviours observed in any electrical system. Voltage change can vary from small voltage fluctuations for a short duration to a complete blackout for an extended period. When the voltage drops below the …

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