lightning protection

Installation of Lightning Strike Counter

Installation of Lightning Strike Counter

How many times is your building hit by lightning every year? A Lightning Strike Counter will give you the exact…

1 year ago

What is Strip Earthing? Explanation & Installation Procedure

Earthing is defined as "the method of sending charges directly to the ground through low resistance wire to cause an…

2 years ago

Role of Earthing & Lightning Protection in Data Centers

Where do Netflix & Amazon Prime store the thousands of Movies & TV Shows they stream on their websites and…

2 years ago

Lightning Protection Software to Save Design Time

The importance of the lightning protection system for any building cannot be overstated. Lightning protection systems are essential to protect…

2 years ago

House Earthing – Design & Testing

Earthing connects all the major electrical equipment in our house such as fridge, AC, washing machine, grinder to the ground.…

2 years ago

Earth Mats – Why do we need them?

An Earth Mat is a mesh formed of bare metallic conductors and buried in shallow soil to provide better safety…

2 years ago

Pipe Earthing VS Chemical Earthing – Explained with Diagram

Electrical circuits are involved with an adequate amount of energy to cause electric shock hazards in case of a fault.…

2 years ago

Installation of Lightning Conductor – Step by Step Guide

A lightning conductor is a thick copper wire or rod fixed onto the tallest point of a building and connected…

2 years ago

How are Earthing and Bonding different?

Earthing and bonding are two technical terms we come across when we deal with the safety aspect of an electrical…

2 years ago

How to Use Exothermic Welding?

Exothermic welding, also known as exothermic bonding, thermite welding (TW), and thermit welding, is a welding technique that permanently joins…

3 years ago